3 BunkerLove 2013 Festivals

BunkerLove 2013

Alert BunkerLove 2013 in Hirtshals – Flowers for Yemanja, Sandro Masai. Photo: Chris Brock


Alert BunkerLove 2013 in Hirtshals – Flowers for Yemanja, Sandro Masai. Photo: Chris Brock

Alert BunkerLove 2013 in Hirtshals – Rule Pink, Michael Richardt Petersen. Photo: Chris Brock

Alert BunkerLove 2013. Photo: Jakob Stig Nielsen

Alert BunkerLove 2013 in Hirtshals – A Walk in the Dark. Photo: Jakob Stig Nielsen

Chilled BunkerLove 2013 in Grønhøj. Photo: Janne Fonda

Chilled BunkerLove 2013 in Grønhøj. Photo: Janne Fonda

Chilled BunkerLove 2013 in Grønhøj. In A Silent Wave. Photo: Thomas Andersen

People’s BunkerLove 2013 in Furreby. Floating bunker by Erik Peitersen. Photo: Chris Brock


People’s BunkerLove 2013. Anita Holst Sørensen in ‘A Walk in the Dark‘ in ‘Heart of Darkness’. Photo: Jakob Stig Nielsen

Grande festival finale of A Walk in the Dark at People’s BunkerLove 2013. Photo: Jens Astrup

BunkerLove 2013 moved on the coast of Northern Denmark on the first three Sundays of July. The festivals included a huge variety of art forms and artists, and the line-up and transformations presented in the program and LIVE exceeded our wildest expectations. We are pleased with our three stops on the Atlantic Wall:

  • Sunday 7 July we presented ALERT BunkerLove 2013 in Hirtshals which examines themes of occupation, collaboration and transformation along the Atlantic Wall.
  • Sunday 14 July we had a CHILLED BunkerLove 2013 in Grønhøj with a sole bunker which has already been occupied by friendly forces.
  • Sunday 21 July we presented PEOPLE’S BunkerLove 2013 in Furreby, where we aimed to celebrate and perhaps also question human fortitude through alarming works of art.

Besides the 3 festivals, BunkerLove hosted other events:

THANK YOU! The festivals in 2013 came to life with the financial support of Region North Denmark and through numerous partnerships, exchanges and through the good will and excellent contributions from the involved artists, members, volunteers, friends and family.


FurrebyArchitect Elin Strand Ruin (S) confronting the former Gold Tooth by Erik Peitersen, now just your average pressure-washed bunker. In collaboration with Spridd she created an architectonic interpretation of the inside of a cannon bunker – Heart of Darkness – using repurposed materials. Erik Peitersen contributed a Floating bunker for People’s BunkerLove 2013.

We believe…. and we have an artistic project. Feedback welcome.

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