Løkken/ Furreby 13 July – Free BunkerLove Festival

Artist Erik Peitersen with his Floating bunker

Multi-artist Erik Peitersen and his Floating bunker will return on 13 July 2014! Portrayed at Furreby beach in 2013 by Chris Brock Photography

The Bunker battery in Furreby near Løkken will be transformed by:

Guided bunker tour to the festival venue with Poul Wilhelmsen starts at Løkken Museum at 14.

Place and time: Furreby bunkers by Løkken beach, 13 July, 2014 from 15-22. Directions to the bunkers.

The festival is financially supported by KulturKANten and Hjørring municipality

BunkerLove 2014 flyer (PDF)

Participating artist Andrew Zealey portrayed in the Furreby bunkers in 2013 by Chris Brock