Hirtshals 6 July – Rainbow BunkerLove Festival


Marit Benthe Norheim portrayed by Chris Brock

Program for BunkerLove Hirtshals

Sunday 6 July 15-22

15:00 Welcome from BunkerLove

15.05 Opening speech by Else Marie Bukdahl

15.40 “Ruth” dance with Sigrid Norheim – on top of Bunker 42

16.30 Piano concert with Dominik Blasko Bunker 62

17.00 Guided tour with Vendsyssel Historiske Museum*

18.00 “Ruth” dance with Sigrid Norheim – on top of Bunker 42

18.30 Guitar performance by Ole Tersløse Jensen Madpakkehuset

19.00 Guided tour with Vendsyssel Historisk Museum*

19.10 Piano concert with Dominik Blasko Bunker 62
19.30 “Ruth” dance with Sigrid Norheim – on top of Bunker 42

21.00 Guided tour by lamplight with Vendsyssel Historiske Museum*

21.20 Piano concert with Dominik Blasko

19-22 DJ Bjarke Rønnow at madpakkehuset

All events are free

Platform 4 will be serving drinks from their scaffolding bar.

Thomas Abildgaard will be serving gourmet coffees and teas.

Cafe Fisk from Tversted will be serving fish frikadelles with bread.

The cafe at the lighthouse is also open for light refreshments and ice cream.

* Guided tours start at the parking lot.


We look forward to seeing you tomorrow at the Lighthouse, Fyret 2, 9850  Hirtshals. Map here.



BunkerLove Hirtshals is a collaboration with Vendsyssel Historical museum, Hirtshals Lighthouse foundation and the Bunker Museum.

  • Anja Korsgaard – Ondskyld/ Be yond guilt
    A multimedia work
  • Bjarke Rønnow – DJ from Platform 4
  • Cathrine Ertmann – Camera Obscura
    In the former flower bunker. Cathrine is also photo documenting the BunkerLove festival 2014.
  • Chris Brock – Art portraits
    Chris will be documenting the faces and scenes and bunkers of the BunkerLove festival again this year.
  • Dominik Blasko – A piano performance in a bunker.
  • Inge Tranter & youWalk The Mile
    100 pairs of military boots with their soles transformed by the public into messages of peace and trodden into the sand on the beach of Hirtshals and Furreby.
  • Kasper Anthoni – See who I am – Head in hole photo board
    There will be an opportunity to take selfies at the festival behind props.
  • Meile Sposmanyte – 111 Buddhas
    A sound installation in a bunker. The powerful voices of the Tibetan monks in their meditation chants form a thundering soundscape from a nation suffering under several decades of occupation.
  • Marit Benthe Norheim and Sigrid Norheim Ørntoft – Ruth
    A work featuring sculpture, video and dance telling the story of Ruth, the daughter of a German policeman during WWII.
  • Ole Tersløse – Guitar performance
  • Peter Max Jakobsen – Working title: Chronometer
    A sensory sculptural installation in a bunker.
  • The Bunker Secret Site
    The BunkerLove festival will be collaborating with the artists who created the Bunker Secret Site in 1995 to return the artwork to its original state and make the artwork available to the public again.
  • And more…

Bunker Tours with Vendsyssel Historical Museum 17.00, 19.00 and a tour with lanterns at 21.00

Place and time: Hirtshals bunkers, 6 July, 2014 from 15-22. Directions to the Hirtshals bunkers.

The festival is financially supported by KulturKANten & Hjørring municipality

BunkerLove 2014 flyer (PDF)

Photo by Chris Brock