
Anja Korsgaard –
Participating artist and activist since 2014, previous board member. Can be contacted about BunkerLove in general and about participation for BunkerLove at Kulturmødet Mors in particular.

Inge Tranter –
Artist who participated in the pilot project in 2012 and continued as a festival coordinator and made Hirtshals a BunkerLove Festival venue. Board member as well as participating artist throughout the association history.

Nanna Thorhauge –
Co-founder and festival coordinator from 2012-2014. Can be contacted about international and cross-regional BunkerLove projects and about projects in Silkeborg. If you wish to help improve the website or have news for our newsletter you are also welcome to write me.

Nikkie Dahm –
Co-founder and festival coordinator from 2012-2014. Can be contacted about projects in North Jutland (locally in Løkken, as well as municipality and regional levels) and about experience with art projects and events.

If you are a member of our art project and wish to participate as a contact for specific areas or projects please write See member survey (from 2016)

Sign up to join

Starting in 2016 BunkerLove is an art project and not a legal entity.
Board and association history 2012-2016

2012, founded  2013  2014  2015-6
Andi Debel
Nanna Thorhauge
Nikkie Dahm
Andi Debel
Ellen Raunsmed
Inge Tranter
Lars Ditlev Johansen
Nanna Thorhauge
Nikkie Dahm
Andi Debel
Anja Korsgaard
Ellen Raunsmed
Gregers Kirkegaard
Inge Tranter
Lars Ditlev Johansen
Louise Kristensen
Nanna Thorhauge
Nikkie Dahm
Anja Korsgaard
Inge Tranter
Lars Ditlev Johansen
Louise Kristensen
Nanna Thorhauge
Niels Peter Hvillum
Nikkie Dahm

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